Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Two Islands Cluster - Meetings 2024

The New Zealand ringers have combined into a Two Islands Cluster (TIC) for training purposes. The Cluster is organised informally by discussion between the ringers in the two island. There is no constitution, no membership requirement and there are no officers. Any ringer may attend the training days. Please prepare adequately so that we can achieve our objectives. A session will last two or three days. The dates will be announced on this page as soon as they are arranged.

A subsidy from ANZAB towards reasonable travel expenses may be available to ANZAB members. To apply for a grant, send an email to the organiser of the event you wish to attend, stating your mode of travel and the cost, at least four weeks before the start of the event. You will receive a proportion of that sum at the event. If the event is combined with private travel e.g holidays the subsidy will be 25%. Please book early and minimise the cost.

When asking for a grant, you must also state your objective(s) for the event. The objective(s) may be method related, striking related, conducting related, theory related or anything else, but no objective(s), no grant.

If you are not asking for a grant but will be attending an event, please email the organiser with your objectives at least four weeks before the event. The organiser will email attendees before the event indicating the objectives requested.

2025 Training Days.

Oamaru February 27 – March 2 . Organiser - Mary Sluter:

Mid-year. Date and venue TBD.

Wellington October 24 – October 27. Organiser - Derek Williams: