Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

WCSB Library Database: Library Items List

Author Title Publisher Date of
Place of
ISBN Notes
Anthony S Bishop 360 Treble Dodging Minor grids Whiting Society of Ringers 2010 2 Copies
Malcolm Tyler A Beginner's Handbook Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1981 0-900271-34-5 10 Copies
Stuart I. Bamforth A Compendium of Plain Doubles Methods (Doubles book 2) Whiting Society of Ringers 2017 0-900271-34-5
Giles B Thompson A guide book to composition John Hilton
OSP friends A guide to Old St Pauls' OSP friends 1984
Philip Green (on behalf Central Council of Church Bell Ringers) A schedule of regular maintenance Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1991
Anthony S Bishop A Universal System for Extents of TD Minor Methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2011
Michael Foulds Advanced Spliced Treble Bob Minor Whiting Society of Ringers 2010
Anon All Saints' Church Kingston u. Thames - the bells
Ron Johnston, Graham Allsopp, John Baldwin, Helen Turner An Atlas of Bells Basil Blackwell Ltd 1990 0-631-15143-5
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers An elementary handbook for beginners in the art of Change-Ringing Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1986
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers An elementary handbook for beginners in the art of Change-Ringing Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1976 2 Copies
Michael Foulds An introduction to ringing multi method spliced TB Minor Whiting Society of Ringers 2011
Stuart I. Bamforth An introduction to ringing multi methods doubles Whiting Society of Ringers 2008
Bath and Wells D.A of Ringers Annual Report 1989 Bath and Wells D.A of Ringers 1989
Peterborough D.G of C. Bell Ringers Annual Report 2014 Peterborough D.G of C. Bell Ringers 2014
The Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Annual Report for 2004 and Handbook for 2005 The Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2005
ANZAB ANZAB - 50th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet ANZAB 2012
Robin E H Woolley Asymmetric Plain Doubles Methods disentangled Whiting Society of Ringers 2019
Michael Foulds Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods untangled Whiting Society of Ringers 2012
William Butler Beginner's Guide to Change Ringing on Handbells Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1988
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Belfry Care and Maintenance (Educational Leafletsl ) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 4 Copies
John Camp Bell Ringing John Camp 1984
Tom Ingram Bells in England Frederick Muller 1954 584 10020 5 2 Copies
Mary Cockett Bells in our Lives 1973
Bill & Helen Stuart Bells of New Zealand Bill & Helen Stuart 1983 2 Copies
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Bibliography (Educational Leafletsl ) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Bob Calling for Beginners (Educational Leafletsl ) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Bob Calling for Beginners (Educational Leafletsl ) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Change Ringing - The history of an English Art. C B G 1987 0-900271-51-5
Joe Roast Change ringing in Essex 1978
C W Woolley Change Ringing on Handbells Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1986
Tina Stoecklin and Simon Gay Change Ringing on Handbells Volume 2: Advanced Techniques Albany Publishing 2022
Wilfred G Wilson Change Ringing The Art and Science of Change Ringing on Church and Hand Bells October House Inc 1965 New York Donated by Pleasance Purser's relatives after her death.
Anon Change Ringing Theory 5 Copies. Spiral bound.
Tina Stoecklin, Simon Gay Change-Ringing on Handbells: Volume 1: Basic Techniques 2020 979-8633505627
Mears and Stainbank bell foundry Church Bells Mears and Stainbank bell foundry
R H Dove Church Bells of Britain V H Viggers & Seven corners press 1988 0 9505557
Mary Bliss & Fredrick Sharpe Church Bells of Gloucestershire Alan Sutton Publishing 1986 0 86 299 084 Donated by Derek Williams
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Collection of Doubles methods Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1961
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Collection of Minor methods Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1961 2 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Collection of Plain Methods in Place Notation Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1988
John Longridge Composition 500 John Longridge 1981
John Longridge Composition 501 John Longridge 1984
David E. Parsons Conducting Stedman Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1989
D J Marshall & A M Popplewell Criblines 1 - Regular Surprise Minor Methods D. J. Marshall Tollerton, Notts
D J Marshall & A M Popplewell Criblines 2 Regular Surprise Major Methods D. J. Marshall Tollerton, Notts
Jasper Snowdon Diagrams YACR 2011 978-0-9569428-0-7 2 Copies
John Camp Discovering bells and bellringing Shire Publications LTD 1975 0 85263 290 8
John Camp Discovering BELLS AND BELLRINGING Shire Publications LTD 1968 Tring, Herts
Edward W Martin Discovering Twin-Hunt triples methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2010
The Whiting Society of Ringers Doodah Whiting Society of Ringers 2013
William Butler doubles and minor for beginners Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1980
William Butler Doubles and Minor for beginners Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1983
Melvyn J Hiller Doubles Methods and Variation Melvyn J Hiller
David E. Parsons Easily remembered service touches Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1987
Harold Chant Elementary Method Splicing Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1984 5 Copies
Michael Day Exploring Plain Minor Methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2009
Karl Grave Forbidden Methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2010
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Grandsire Doubles (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 3 Copies
Jasper Whitfield Snowdon Grandsire: The method, its peals, and history. Wm. Snowdon 1888 Leeds No cover. In plastic bag.
Michael Lee Henry Penn Bell Founder Link Publications
Colin A Lewis Henry Williams - Glasbury Bellfounder - P and T of Bells Whiting Society of Ringers 2011
Ernest Morris History and Art of Change ringing EP Publishing LTD 1931 0 85409 995 6
Michael Foulds How to Learn Methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2017 2 Copies
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers How to Run a One Day Ringing Course and How to Arrange a One-day Bell Maintenance Course (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Dorothea Steidinger Ideas for Using the Called Changes Board Whiting Society of Ringers 2014 Bundled with the Called Changes Board
Zillah Castle Instruments of Worship in the Zillah and Ronald Castle Collection of Musical Instruments Zillah Castle
Michael Foulds Intermediate Spliced Treble Bob Minor Whiting Society of Ringers 2007
R. G. T. Morris Judging Striking Competitions Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1989
Gordon I Lucas Kaleidoscope Ringing A Change Ringer's Alternative to Called Changes Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 2004 0-900271-77-9 2 Copies
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Learning Change Ringing on Handbells (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Association of Ringing Teachers Learning the Ropes: Advanced Call Changes Association of Ringing Teachers 2022
John R. Ketteringham Lincoln Cathedral A History of the Bells, Bellringers and Bellringing J. R. Ketteringham 1987 Lincoln 0 9512738 0 9
Donald A. and Philip Bedford Mainly Folk Volume 2 Bedford Family Ringers 1985 Charleston, South Australia 0-9589912-0-0
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers maintenance handbook Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1979 4 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Manual of Belfry Maintenance Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 978-1-911210-01-6
John Longridge & Ian Campbell Method 300 John Longridge 1983
Harold Chant Method Splicing - Part 1 Minor methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2011
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Minor Methods Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1984
John S Warboys Multi-Extent Block Compositions Whiting Society of Ringers 2008
A. J. Crabtree Music for Handbells and Church Bells A. J. Crabtree 1984 Beeston, Notts 0-9506758-1-4
Anon Notes on Furness Branch Bells 1983
Ministry of Works and Development (P.L.Sheppard) Old St. Paul's Bells E. C. Keating, Government Printer 1979 15 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers ON CONDUCTING Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1980 4 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers On Conducting Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1980 Annotated 'Old St Paul's Guild of Bellringers' on front.
Maxwell Fraser Oxford in Pictures Thames Valley Art Productions
R. G. T. Morris Place Notation Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1984 3 Copies
The Whiting Society of Ringers Plain Bob Minor Dominoes Whiting Society of Ringers 2014
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Plain Hunting and Bob Doubles (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Michael Foulds Plain Minor method splicing tables Whiting Society of Ringers 2009
A J Barnfield Progress - A scrapbook of Bellringing Whiting Society of Ringers 2014
Robert B Smith Proof of Plain Bob Major
John Longridge Quarter 500 John Longridge 1983
John A Harrison Raising and Lowering in Peal Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1987 2 Copies
Jane Yolen Ring out! A book of bells Evans Brothers LTD 1978 0 237 44875 0
Pip Penny Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes Association of Ringing Teachers 2018 978-1-9997261-1-9 2 Copies
Chris Adams Ringing Circles - A guide to learning methods Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 2000
Robert Lewis (ed) Ringing World Diary 2017 The Ringing World
William L. Gilks Rope Splicing (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Jasper Snowdon Ropesight Christopher Groome 1975
Anon Saint Edmund's church Northampton (Prayer book) Geffrey Cumberlege - London Uni
Michael Foulds Short touches of Spliced Minor Whiting Society of Ringers 2009
J R Thompson Short touches of Stedman 1997
Philip Gay Simulators and Teaching Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1993
Stanley G. Scott Sound Control (Educational Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
Michael Foulds Spliced Treble Bob Minor Data Tables Whiting Society of Ringers 2008
Edward W Martin Splicing Twin-Hunt Triples methods Whiting Society of Ringers 2010
Dean M F McGloin (compiled) St Mary's Cathedral 1982
John Longridge Standard 70 John Longridge 1983
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Stedman Doubles and Triples (Educationa Leafletsl) Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
George P Elphick Sussex Bells and Belfries Phillimore and Co LTD 1970 900592 08 7 Donated by Derek Williams
ART Teacher Training logbook ART 2012 Donated by ART
Pip Penny Teacher's Guide to Learning the Ropes ART 978-9997261-6-4
The Whiting Society of Ringers Teaching Cards Set 1 Plain Bob Doubles Whiting Society of Ringers 2013
The Whiting Society of Ringers Teaching Cards Set 2 Plain Bob Minor Whiting Society of Ringers 2013
Wilfred F. Moreton Teaching from Rounds to Bob Doubles Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1987
Pip Penny Teaching tips Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 2 Copies
L Elsinore Springer That Vanishing sound Crown Publishers, inc 1976 0-517-52539-9
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 19 Summer 1994 Handbell Society of Australasia 1994 0815-7936
Bernard Taylor The Harpenden Handbell Band Whiting Society of Ringers 2006
Simon Brett (designed) The Whitechapel Bell Foundry 1970
William Butler The "Waiting to Ring" Book Bell Books 1983 Thatcham, Berks 2 Copies
Steve Coleman The Bellringer's Bedside Companion Sue Coleman 1994 978-0-9523896-7-5
Steve Coleman The Bellringer's Early Companion Sue Coleman 1999 978-0-9523896-4-4
David E Potter The Bells and Bellringers of York Minster 1987 0 9502471 5 4 2 Copies
Helen Pettet & Anne Doggett The bells are ringing Helen Pettet & Anne Doggett 2001 0 9580160 0 3 2 Copies
Tim Bayton The Bells of Devon A Unique and Comprehensive Directory Devon Ringers' Council 2018 Exeter
John C Eisel The bells of Hereford Cathedral Hereford Cathedral friends 1977
Anon The bells of old York Patrick H Vernon 2000 0-9687841-0-0
Doug Miller The Bells of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul Doug Miller 2018 Clear Book A4
Robin Noble The Book of Bells Story of Bells of St. Clement Danes Church in Strand MOD 1997
Frederick Sharpe The church bells of Berkshire Frederick Sharpe 1971 901571 46 6
Frederick Sharpe The Church Bells of Herefordshire (Vol I) Frederick Sharpe 1966 Donated by Derek Williams
Frederick Sharpe The Church Bells of Herefordshire (Vol II) Frederick Sharpe 1969 Donated by Derek Williams
Frederick Sharpe The Church Bells of Herefordshire (Vol III) Frederick Sharpe 1970 Donated by Derek Williams
Frederick Sharpe The Church Bells of Herefordshire (Vol IV) Frederick Sharpe 1972 Donated by Derek Williams
Frederick Sharpe The Church Bells of Herefordshire (Vol V) Frederick Sharpe 1975 Donated by Derek Williams
Simon Linford The Core Seven and Beyond: a guide to treble dodging major inspired by project pickled egg The Ringing World 2021 Andover SP10 1LJ 978-1-8381590-2-3
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 14 January 1990 Handbell Society of Australasia 1990 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 17 Summer 1993 Handbell Society of Australasia 1993 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 18 Winter 1993 Handbell Society of Australasia 1993 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 22 Summer 1996 Handbell Society of Australasia 1996 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 23 SummerWinter 1997 Handbell Society of Australasia 1997 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 25 Winter 1998 Handbell Society of Australasia 1998 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 26 Summer 1998 Handbell Society of Australasia 1998 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 27 Winter 1999 Handbell Society of Australasia 1999 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 3 July 1984 Handbell Society of Australasia 1984 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 3 July 1984 Handbell Society of Australasia 1984 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 4 January 1985 Handbell Society of Australasia 1985 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 4 January 1985 Handbell Society of Australasia 1985 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 5 July 1985 Handbell Society of Australasia 1985 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No. 6 January 1986 Handbell Society of Australasia 1986 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No.12 January 1989 Handbell Society of Australasia 1989 0815-7936
Handbell Society of Australasia The Handbell Herald No.24 Summer 1997 Handbell Society of Australasia 1997 0815-7936
Steve Coleman The Method Ringer's Companion Sue Coleman 1995 978-0-9523896-8-2
John Harrison and Catherine Lewis The New Ringer's Book Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 978-0-900271-93-9
Dorothy L. Sayers The Nine Tailors Victor Gollancz 1934 London
Jocelyn Perkins The organs and bells of Westminster Abbey 1937
Mrs Pam Copson The Ringers Exercise Book Sherborne Teaching Aid Number 5 Mrs Pam Copson 1987 Wellesbourne, Warwick
Anon The Ringing World Diary 1993 The Ringing World
Robert Lewis (ed) The Ringing World Diary 2015 The Ringing World
Robert Lewis (ed) The Ringing World Diary 2018 The Ringing World
Robert Lewis (ed) The Ringing World Diary 2019 The Ringing World
William T Cook The Society of College Youths 1637-1987 A new History of the Society The Society of College Youths 1987 London Donated by the relatives of Pleasance Purser.
A. W. T. Cleaver The Theory of Change Ringing An Introduction The Press of John Hilton
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers The Towers and Bells Handbook Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1973 3 Copies
Anon The Whitechapel Bell Foundry The Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 2 Copies
Elizabeth Bleby Their sound has gone forth Elizabeth Bleby 2001 0 9578736 0 3 2 Copies
Roy Faiers (ed) This England Winter 1999 This England 1999
Ernest Morris Tintinnabula 1959
Fabian Stedman Tintinnalogia W.G 1970 901571 415 Facsimile of edition originally published in 1668.
Cosette Jarman Tomorrow comes the song A H and A W Reid 1965
J R Thompson Touches Leicester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers 1997
Roger Smith & Malcolm Tyler Towards Better Striking Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1989 4 Copies
Ernest Morris Towers and Bells of Britain Robert Hale LTD 1955
John Longridge Treble Bob Major Variations John Longridge 1982
Michael Foulds Treble Place Minor Splicing tables Whiting Society of Ringers 2009
William Butler Triples & Major for Beginners Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1986 3 Copies
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers tutors handbook Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 1980 2 Copies
Michael Foulds Untrodden ground Whiting Society of Ringers 2012
Elizabeth Bleby We sing in a strange land ANZAB 1989 0 7316 7007 8
E. Andrews Downman Ancient church bells in England; their inscriptions, founders' trade marks, and measurements, together with some notice of the early bell founders. Hathitrust.org 1898
Association of Ringing Teachers Bell Ringing, The Inside Story Association of Ringing Teachers 2014 DVD
Derek Ballard BelTutor 0 DVD. http://www.beltower.co.uk/tutor.htm
Association of Ringing Teachers learning the ropes bell handling Association of Ringing Teachers 2013 DVD. 2 Copies
Peter Wakeley Melbourne Ringing Towers 2011 CD. 2 copies
Mark Regan New Bells for Old St Martin's Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers 2013 DVD
The Whiting Society of Ringers Old Ringing Books Whiting Society Old Books 2014 Contains access to 185 facsimile copies of historical bell ringing books.
Association of Ringing Teachers Raising and Lowering Association of Ringing Teachers 0 DVD
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Ringing World 1971-2000 The Third Three Decades and Index for 1911-2004 Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 2015 DVD
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Ringing World DVD 1911-2004 (Version 2) and Index for 1911-2004 Central Council of Church Bell Ringers 2014 DVD
The Adelaide Bellringers The Bells of Adelaide Matthew Sorell 2011 CD. 2 copies
