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Cancel360 Treble Dodging Minor gridsA Beginner's HandbookA Compendium of Plain Doubles Methods (Doubles book 2)A guide book to compositionA guide to Old St Pauls'A schedule of regular maintenanceA Universal System for Extents of TD Minor MethodsAdvanced Spliced Treble Bob MinorAll Saints' Church Kingston u. Thames - the bellsAn Atlas of BellsAn elementary handbook for beginners in the art of Change-RingingAn elementary handbook for beginners in the art of Change-RingingAn introduction to ringing multi method spliced TB MinorAn introduction to ringing multi methods doublesAncient church bells in England; their inscriptions, founders' trade marks, and measurements, together with some notice of the early bell founders.Annual Report 1989Annual Report 2014Annual Report for 2004 and Handbook for 2005ANZAB - 50th Anniversary Souvenir BookletAsymmetric Plain Doubles Methods disentangledAsymmetric Plain Minor Methods untangledBeginner's Guide to Change Ringing on HandbellsBelfry Care and Maintenance (Educational Leafletsl )Bell RingingBell Ringing, The Inside StoryBells in EnglandBells in our LivesBells of New ZealandBelTutorBibliography (Educational Leafletsl )Bob Calling for Beginners (Educational Leafletsl )Bob Calling for Beginners (Educational Leafletsl )Change Ringing - The history of an English Art.Change ringing in EssexChange Ringing on HandbellsChange Ringing The Art and Science of Change Ringing on Church and Hand BellsChange Ringing TheoryChange-Ringing on Handbells: Volume 1: Basic TechniquesChurch BellsChurch Bells of BritainChurch Bells of GloucestershireCollection of Doubles methodsCollection of Minor methodsCollection of Plain Methods in Place NotationComposition 500Composition 501Conducting StedmanCriblines 1 - Regular Surprise Minor MethodsCriblines 2 Regular Surprise Major MethodsDiagramsDiscovering bells and bellringingDiscovering BELLS AND BELLRINGINGDiscovering Twin-Hunt triples methodsDoodahdoubles and minor for beginnersDoubles and Minor for beginnersDoubles Methods and VariationEasily remembered service touchesElementary Method SplicingExploring Plain Minor MethodsForbidden MethodsGrandsire Doubles (Educational Leafletsl)Grandsire: The method, its peals, and history.Henry Penn Bell FounderHenry Williams - Glasbury Bellfounder - P and T of BellsHistory and Art of Change ringingHow to Learn MethodsHow to Run a One Day Ringing Course and How to Arrange a One-day Bell Maintenance Course (Educational Leafletsl)Ideas for Using the Called Changes BoardInstruments of Worship in the Zillah and Ronald Castle Collection of Musical InstrumentsIntermediate Spliced Treble Bob MinorJudging Striking CompetitionsKaleidoscope Ringing A Change Ringer's Alternative to Called ChangesLearning Change Ringing on Handbells (Educational Leafletsl)learning the ropes bell handlingLearning the Ropes: Advanced Call ChangesLincoln Cathedral A History of the Bells, Bellringers and BellringingMainly Folk Volume 2maintenance handbookManual of Belfry MaintenanceMelbourne Ringing TowersMethod 300Method Splicing - Part 1 Minor methodsMinor MethodsMulti-Extent Block CompositionsMusic for Handbells and Church BellsNew Bells for Old St Martin'sNotes on Furness Branch BellsOld Ringing BooksOld St. Paul's BellsON CONDUCTINGOn ConductingOxford in PicturesPlace NotationPlain Bob Minor DominoesPlain Hunting and Bob Doubles (Educational Leafletsl)Plain Minor method splicing tablesProgress - A scrapbook of BellringingProof of Plain Bob MajorQuarter 500Raising and LoweringRaising and Lowering in PealRing out! 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