Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Festival/TwinIsland Cluster Meeting

The main Wellington Ringing Festival takes place from Friday evening to Monday afternoon over New Zealand's Labour Weekend. Most of the ringing is on the Wellington Cathedral bells, but there are opportunities to ring on the John David Mini Ring and on handbells as well. Ringers of all abilities are welcome to attend. The programme is designed to ensure there are adequate numbers of ringers for each type of activity.

It is a suggested format that is open to change if those attending wish it.
For anyone arriving before or leaving after the main Festival, we can arrange ringing on hand bells and the mini ring.

The Nineteenth Festival takes place from October 25th to October 28th, 2024.

Friday October 25th
7.00pm - about 9.00pm General Ringing
The John David Mini Ring and hand bells will be available.

Saturday October 26th
9am to 5pm Ringing on tower bells, handbells and the mini ring.

7pm Festival Dinner

Sunday October 27th
9.00 - 10.00am Service Ringing
11.00am -12.30pm Ringing at Old St Paul's
12.30 - 1.30pm Quarter Peals
1.30 - 2.30pm Quarter Peals
3.00 - 4.00pm Service Ringing

Monday October 28th
9am to 5pm Ringing on tower bells, handbells and the mini ring.

All tower bell ringing, except service ringing at Wellington Cathedral, is on the simulator at Wellington Cathedral.

Morning and Afternoon tea will be available free for ringers.

We have several sets of handbells that will be made available thoughout the Festival for those wishing to ring them.

Contact Derek Williams or Ruth Lightbourne