Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

ARRANGEUR(Method Lead Head Generator)

Arrangeur is designed by Edwin Hermann. It allows touches of either single methods or spliced methods to be constructed lead by lead.
The first page allows a stage to be selected from a drop down list, a starting row to be defined (the default is rounds) and a touch length to be set.
On clicking go, an opportunity to add a method, either by name or by place notation is offered.
On clicking OK, the initial lead head is displayed with buttons to add a plain lead, a bobbed lead or a single lead. The colour of the buttons indicate the status of the lead head that will be produced. Charcoal indicates a true lead.
Leads are shown red if the extent includes rows that are repeated beyond the allowable number of times. The allowable number of times is defined as the touch length divided by n-factorial where n is the stage (number of bells). For example, a doubles method where the composer sets the extent length to 240 will highlight red any leads that contain rows rung more than twice. Basically, red means you're heading into falseness territory for the stage and extent length that you've chosen.
Leads are shown in yellow if they take us back to the starting row (normally rounds, but of course you can set the starting row to be anything).
Leads are shown in green if they take us back to the starting row, AND all rows (up to that point) are rung the same number of times. Basically a green row indicates the end of a true extent (either a normal extent or a multi-block extent).

To access Arrangeur go here: