Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Alliance Method Tables

These tables have been developed by Ruth Lightbourne. They show the work above and below the treble for different classes of alliance methods. A table of lead-end groups and their codes is also provided.

The available tables are:

Alliance Methods 12 dodge
Alliance Methods 56 dodge
Alliance Methods 12 and 34 dodge
Alliance Methods 12 and 56 dodge
Alliance Methods 34 and 56 dodge
Lead End Groups

Editorial Policy: The methods included in the tables are limited to those which do not have fifth's place made unless the treble is at the half lead. They include methods where the treble dodges in 12 and 34, 12 and 56, 34 and 56, and where it dodges in 12 only and 56 only. Lead ends of 12, 14, and 16 are included. Methods with more than two consecutive blows in any one place apart from the lead end are excluded. For named methods, the lead end letter code is given, and for un-named methods of any length the first lead head row is provided (5-lead methods have a star at the end of the lead-head row "*"). Sources for the methods include the Central Council Collection of Alliance Methods and Visual Method Archive v7.3.