Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Wellington Combined Society of Bellringers

Methods named by Wellington Ringers

Below is a list of methods we have named. To view the Bellboard entry, click on the method name. Click on an image to see larger picture.

No.Date named Bells used Method name Origin of name
131 Thursday, 18 July 2024Handbell Stadium Single St Benedict's Bob MinorDouble St Benedict's had already been rung, so the name chosen for the above fits the standard pattern.
130 Sunday, 5 May 2024The John David Mini Ring Loon Alliance MinorLoon Alliance is London Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
129 Saturday, 30 March 2024The John David Mini Ring Bevy Alliance MinorBevy Alliance is Beverley Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
128 Saturday, 19 March 2024The John David Mini Ring Sleet Alliance MinorSleet Alliance is Surfleet Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
127 Friday, 23 February 2024The John David Mini Ring Frying Tonight Alliance MinorFrying Tonight Alliance is Fryerning Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The part of the name, Frying, reflects this missing chunk. Tonight is added to make the traditional opening sign for Fish and Chip shops.
Methods 125 and 126 below were named in quarters rung on the Kowhai Ring in Oamaru, with four Wellington ringers in each band.
126 Saturday, 24 February 2024The Kowhai Ring, Oamaru Bone Idle Alliance MinorBone is Bourne Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk. Idle is added to complete a common cliche
125 Friday, 23 February 2024The Kowhai Ring, Oamaru Ipich Alliance MinorIpich Alliance is Ipswich Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
124 Saturday, 3 February 2024The John David Mini Ring Raton Alliance MinorRaton Alliance is Rampton Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
123 Tuesday, 30 January 2024Handbell Stadium Island Bay Alliance MinorIsland Bay is the Wellington suburb in which Chrisropher Jarman spent his childhood.
122 Tuesday, 30 January 2024Handbell Stadium Lizzicles Little Surprise MinorLizzicles is a contraction to six bells, of Lizzicles already rung on 12, 10, and 8 bells.
121 Saturday, 18 October 2023The John David Mini Ring Nethale Alliance MinorNethale Alliance is Netherseale Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
120 Saturday, 11 October 2023The John David Mini Ring Allale Alliance MinorAllale Alliance is Allendale Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
119 Thursday, 26 October 2023Handbell Stadium Prose Alliance MinorProse Alliance is Primrose Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
118 Thursday, 26 October 2023Handbell Stadium Cadge Alliance MinorCadge Alliance is Cambridge Surprise with the Treble's middle dodge in 34 missing, and the X12X36 combined into X1236. The name reflects this missing chunk.
117 Sunday, 8 August 2021Wellington Cathedral Hempsted St Swithun Bob DoublesSt Swithun's, Hempsted, Gloucester is the church where Andrew Dicks, one of our ringers, learnt to ring.
116 Saturday, 14 March 2021The John David Mini Ring Candlesby Treble Place TriplesNamed as an extension of Candlesby Treble Place Doubles (see 65 below).
115 Sunday, 20 December 2020Wellington Cathedral The Leg Of Mutton and Cauliflower Treble Bob MinorNamed to celebrate the life of Roger M Heyworth. The Leg Of Mutton and Cauliflower is the 'local' in Ashtead, whither RH would go after ringing to "Discuss ringing matters and other things of a more trivial nature".
114 Sunday, 6 December 2020Wellington Cathedral Nicholas Of Myra Treble Bob MinorNamed for St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra c 326 AD, on whose feast day it was rung.
113 Sunday, 22 November 2020Wellington Cathedral Michael Matthew Treble Bob MinorNamed for Michael Matthew Howard Frogatt, grandson of Gerald and Gill McIlhone.
112 Saturday, 10 October 2020Wellington Cathedral St Peter's College Bob TriplesThe Oxford College that Colin Saxelby, one of our ringers, attended.
111 Saturday, 19 September 2020Wellington Cathedral Devonport Naval Base Bob TriplesA place with which Philippa Bowron, one of our ringers, has an association.
110 Sunday, 13 September 2020Wellington Cathedral Pukerua Bay Bob TriplesNamed for the home village of Dylan Thomas, one of our ringers.
109 Sunday, 5 July 2020Wellington Cathedral Double Hunslet Bob Major34 places at the half-lead have been added to Single Hunslet Bob Major to create Double Hunslet Bob Major.
108 Tuesday, 18 February 2020Handbells Planar Bob MinorPlanar is a derivative of Plain Bob.
107 Sunday, 02 January 2020Wellington Cathedral Clemens Bob Minor A variation of St Clement's. St Clement was the 3rd Pope. Clemens is the name by which he was known in Rome.
106 Sunday, 20 January 2020Wellington Cathedral Rugby Bob Triples An extension of Rugby Bob Doubles.
105 Thursday, 31 October 2019The John David Mini Ring Wheatley Treble Bob Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang in his youth i.e. a long time ago.  
104 Sunday, 1 September 2019Wellington Cathedral South Stoke Delight Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
103 Sunday, 11 August 2019Wellington Cathedral Streatley Delight Minor A Berkshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
102 Saturday, 13 July 2019The John David Mini Ring Horspath Treble Bob Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
101 Saturday, 6 July 2019The John David Mini Ring Hamilton Alliance Major Named by Frank and Mary Sluter reflecting the good relations between Hamilton and Wellington ringers
100 Saturday, 15 June 2019The John David Mini Ring The Wellington Hundredth Alliance Minor Named because it is the 100th method named in Wellington, New Zealand. It was named by ringing 100 changes of the method in a quarter peal.
99 Saturday, 30 March 2019The John David Mini Ring New Zealanders' Compassion Bob Doubles Celebrating the sympathetic and compassionate response of the New Zealand population to the mosque shootings in Christchurch.
98 Tuesday, 14 March 2019Wellington Cathedral Miss 'ogwash Surprise Minor For the derivation of 'ogwash see 28 below. This was named to celebrate the 70th birthday of Sue Haines. Sue is the sister of Roger Heyworth (Mr 'ogwash) hence for Sue, Miss 'ogwash.
97 Friday, 15 February 2019Wellington Cathedral Holy Orders Bob Caters An extension of Holy Orders Bob Triples. See 70 below.
96 Sunday, 24 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Cacofonix Delight Minor Cacofinix is the poet and bard (if not exactly appreciated) in the Asterix books.
95 Friday, 15 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Getafix Delight Minor Getafix is the father figure in the Asterix books, who keeps the community from sinking into joyful but total anarchy.
94 Thursday, 14 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Nettlebed Treble Place Minor The treble place variation of Nettlebed Delight Minor. See 93 below.
93 Thursday, 14 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Nettlebed Delight Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang on several occasions in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
92 Tuesday, 11 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Little Milton Delight Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang on several occasions in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
91 Tuesday, 11 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Charlgrove Delight Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang on several occasions in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
90 Monday, 10 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Metallurgix Delight MinorMetallurgix is the village metallurgist in the Asterix books. He makes the golden sickles that Getafix uses to collect mistletoe for the magic potion.
89 Monday, 10 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Bicarbonateofsoda Delight MinorBicarbonateofsoda is the secretary to Psychoanalytix, the psychologist, in the Asterix books. She's the true voice of reason in this crazy pantomime, retaining her unflappable calm.
88 Tuesday, 10 February 2019Wellington Cathedral St Hugh Bob CatersAn extension of St Hugh Bob Triples (see 59 below).
87 Friday, 8 February 2019The John David Mini Ring Impedimenta Treble Place MinorImpedimenta is the name of the village chief's wife in the Asterix books.
86 Saturday, 5 January 2019 The John David Mini Ring Brightwell Baldwin Treble Place MinorA variant of Brightwell Baldwin Treble Bob Minor. See 79 below.
85 Tuesday, 1 January 2019 The John David Mini Ring Berrick Salome Treble Place MinorA variant of Berrick Salome Treble Bob Minor. See 77 below.
84 Sunday, 11 November 2018 Wellington Cathedral Donottar Delight Major An extension of Donottar Delight Minor.
83 Sunday, 11 November 2018 Wellington Cathedral Armistice Centennial Surprise Minor Celebrating the centennial of the signing of the Armistice to end WW1.
82 Saturday, 10 November 2018 The John David Mini Ring Le Quesnoy Surprise Minor Named as part of the Armistice centennial celebration for the French village freed by New Zealand soldiers just before the Armisitice was signed.
81 Sunday, 14 October 2018 Wellington Cathedral Physiotherapists' Delight Minor Celebrating the wedding of Julie Chin and Christopher Young, physiotherapists at Hutt Hospital.
80 Saturday, 13 October 2018 The John David Mini Ring Lewknor Delight Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang a peal in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
79Sunday, 23 September 2018 Wellington Cathedral Brightwell Baldwin Treble Bob Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang a peal or two in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
78Sunday, 23 September 2018 Wellington Cathedral Drayton St Leonard Treble Bob Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang on several occasions in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
77Sunday, 9 September 2018 Wellington Cathedral Berrick Salome Treble Bob Minor An Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang several peals in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
76Sunday, 2 September 2018 Wellington Cathedral Lenton Slow Course DoublesLenton Slow Course Doubles is based on Lenton Bob Doubles.
75Friday, 24 August 2018 The John David Ring Watson Bob MinorWatson is the 16 le version of Crick Bob Minor. Crick, Watson and Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material": the structure of DNA.
74Friday, 24 August 2018 The John David Ring Wilkins Bob MinorWilkins is the 14 le version of Crick Bob Minor. Crick, Watson and Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material": the structure of DNA.
73Sunday, 12 August 2018 Wellington Cathedral Lenton Bob TriplesAn extension of Lenton Bob Doubles.
72Sunday, 22 July 2018 Wellington Cathedral Tadgel Short Course Treble Place Triples An extension of Tadgel Short Course Treble Place Doubles.
71Sunday, 1 July 2018 Wellington Cathedral Matariki Bob DoublesMatariki is the Maori name for the Pleiades constellation, the re-appearance of which marks the Maori New Year's Day.
70Saturday, 23 June 2018 Wellington Cathedral Holy Orders Bob Triples An extension of Holy Orders Bob Doubles.
69Sunday, 29 April 2018 Wellington Cathedral Candlesby Slow Course TriplesCandlesby Slow Course Triples is an extension of Candlesby Slow Course Doubles.
68Saturday, 21 April 2018 The John David Ring Plain Short Course Treble Place MinorPlain Short Course Treble Place Minor Based on Plain Bob.
67Saturday, 14 April 2018 The John David Ring Tadgel Short Course Treble Place DoublesRung as an 80th birthday compliment to Mike Stone. The name, which sounds as though it has the same West Country origins as Mike, was formed from the initials of the ringers in their place order.
66Saturday, 17 March 2018 The John David Ring Plain Treble Place MinorPlain Treble Place Minor based on Plain Bob.
65Saturday, 3 March 2018 The John David Ring Candlesby Treble Place DoublesCandlesby Treble Place Doubles based on Candlesby Slow Course Doubles.
64Sunday, 4 February 2018 Wellington Cathedral Ewelme Treble Bob MinorAn Oxfordshire village where Gerald McIlhone rang a peal in his youth i.e. a long time ago.
63Saturday, 27 January 2018 The John David Ring Rocket Lab Delight Minor The name of the New Zealand company that launched the country's first space rocket.
62Monday, 22 January 2018 The John David Ring Jacinda's Surprise Minor The first name of the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. She and her husband were surprised by her pregnancy.
61Sunday, 3 December 2017 Wellington Cathedral Walkinstown Short Course Treble Bob Minor The suburb of Dublin where Lisa Doyle, one of the ringers, lived.
60Monday, 20 November 2017 The John David Ring Platinum Rose Treble Bob MinorPlatinum Rose is a variation of Rose of England Treble Bob. This method was rung to celebrate the platinum wedding anniversary of HM The Queen and HRH Prince Philip.
59Sunday, 19 November 2017 Wellington Cathedral St Hugh Bob Triples An extension of St Hugh Bob Doubles.
58Saturday, 28 October 2017 The John David Ring Reformation Delight Minor Reformation for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
57Saturday, 21 October 2017 The John David Ring John David Bob Triples The name of the mini ring on which the quarter was rung. See the towers page for the origin of the name.
56Wednesday, 18 October 2017 The John David Ring Footrot Flats Delight Minor The method has a maximum number of places, each resembling a flat. Footrot Flats is the imaginary home of a much loved New Zealand cartoon character, Dog.
55Sunday, 1 October 2017 Wellington CathedralThe Bees TriplesThe Bees is the nickname of Brentford FC. The method is akin to Brentford Bob Minor.
54Sunday, 21 May 2017 The John David Ring) Waikato Surprise MinorThe region of New Zealand where two of the ringers, Frank and Mary Sluter, live.
53Sunday, 30 April 2017 The John David Ring Old Man Of Coniston Bob MinorA fell in the Lake District, where Hellvelyn is also located. Old Man of Coniston is a variation of Helvellyn Bob Minor.
52Thursday, 13 April 2017 Handbells Warborough Bob MajorWarborough, Oxfordshire, is the tower where Gerald McIlhone learnt to ring.
51Sunday, 19 February 2017 Handbells Ruth's Enjoyment Bob Major Because one of the ringer's, Ruth Lightbourne, said she enjoyed ringing the method.
50Sunday, 19 February 2017 Wellington Cathedral Hinton Waldrist Delight MinorThe village where Valia Battat, one of the ringers, lives.
49Saturday, 28 January 2017 The John David Ring Lian's Farewell Surprise MinorLian von Wantoch's first name. Lian was based in Wellington for a time and rang with us. Lian had to leave before the end of her scheduled stay, so having to farewell her was a surprise.
48Saturday, 21 January 2017 The John David Ring Wellington Anniversary Delight MinorOn the Monday nearest the 22 January, Wellington celebrates its annual Wellington Anniversary Day with a public holiday. This is to commemorate the landing of the first European settlers on 22 January 1840 at what is today Wellington.
47Sunday, 15 January 2017 The John David Ring Waitangi Delight MinorThe place in Northland, New Zealand, where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.
46Saturday, 14 January 2017 The John David Ring Iafydstta Treble Bob MinorThe initial letters of "if at first you don't succeed try try again" because we kept trying until we got the quarter.
45Saturday, 7 January 2017 The John David Ring Cnut Treble Bob MinorNamed after King Cnut on the 1000th anniversary of his coronation, just to show we are historically aware.
44Saturday, 31 December 2016 The John David Ring Peterborough, St Mary Treble Bob MinorWhen Wellington cathedral bells were out of action because of earthquake damage, the Peterborough St Mary ringers expressed sympathy by naming a method for us. We named this method to thank them for their kindness.
43Sunday, 4 December 2016 Handbells Winsandal Alliance MajorWinsandal is a mixture of Winchester Bob and Sandal Treble Bob.
42Thursday, 17 November 2016 Handbells Minimal Alliance MajorThe method has the least (minimal) amount of work other than plain hunting possible.
41Sunday, 13 November 2016 Handbells Wath's Different Delight MajorSimilar but different to Wath Delight Major. A variation of Wath Delight.
40Saturday, 12 November 2016 Wellington Cathedral Killamockingbird Treble Bob MinorLian von Wantoch wanted to show off her literary knowledge by contracting the title of To Kill a Mockingbird, the 1960 novel by Harper Lee, To Killamockingbird.
39Tuesday, 8 November 2016 Handbells Wathnot Delight MajorNot quite Wath Delight Major. A variation of Wath Delight.
38Sunday, 6 November 2016 Handbells Nearly Minimal Alliance MajorThe method has almost the least (nearly minimal) amount of work other than plain hunting possible.
37Saturday, 5 November 2016 Wellington Cathedral Much Binding In The Marsh Treble Bob MinorThe title of a BBC Radio comedy show greatly enjoyed by Derek Williams and Gerald McIlhone in their youth i.e. a long time ago.
36Tuesday, 1 November 2016 Handbells Wathling On Delight MajorCarrying on with variations of Wath Delight Major.
35Sunday, 30 October 2016 Handbells Where's Delight MajorLooking for the light. A variation of Wath Delight.
34Saturday, 15 October 2016 Wellington Cathedral Owhiro Bay Treble Bob MinorThe suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Janet Grocott, lives.
33 Tuesday, 4 October 2016 Handbells Buxton Alliance MajorAn extension of Buxton Alliance Minor.
32Sunday, 25 September 2016 Wellington Cathedral Duke Of Ockley Block MinorThe method is a combination of Duke of Norfolk TB and Ockley TB, hence the combination in the name. Block because, at the time it was rung, methods false in the plain course could not be named but blocks could.
31Sunday, 18 September 2016 Handbells Harlington Alliance MajorAn extension of Harlington Alliance Minor.
30Thursday, 8 September 2016 Handbells Cromer Alliance MajorAn extension of Cromer Alliance Minor.
29Tuesday, 30 August 2016 Handbells Walsingham Alliance MajorAn extension of Walsingham Alliance Minor.
28Sunday, 10 April 2016 Wellington Cathedral 'ogwash Delight MinorThe nickname given to Roger Heyworth by John Camp at Oxford. Roger's son Robin was a member of the band that named the method.
27Saturday, 2 April 2016 The John David Ring Miramar Delight MinorThe name of a Wellington suburb.
26Saturday, 27 February 2016 Wellington Cathedral Johnsonville Delight MinorThe suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Amanda Cunningham, lives.
25Sunday, 8 November 2015 The John David Ring Montouliers Bob MinorThe village in the South of France where one of the ringers, Derek Williams, has a holiday home.
24Sunday, 18 October 2015 The John David Ring Froggatts' Bob MinorThe surname of Amanda McIlhone's bridegroom. Amanda is the daughter of Gerald McIlhone.
23Saturday, 18 April 2015 Wellington Cathedral Anzac Cove Surprise MinorThe small cove on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey that was the site of World War I landing of the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) on 25 April 1915.
22Thursday, 26 February 2015 Wellington Cathedral Silverstream Delight Minor The suburb of Upper Hutt where one of the ringers,Peter Bill, lived during visits to New Zealand.
21Thursday, 26 February 2015 Wellington Cathedral Landscove Delight Minor The Devon village where one of the ringers, Peter Bill, lives.
20Saturday, 21 February 2015 Wellington Cathedral Winter Solstice Treble Place MinorA half-lead and lead end variant of Double Summer Solstice Treble Place Minor.
19Thursday, 12 February 2015 Wellington Cathedral Bannockburn Delight MinorThe famous battle of Bannockburn took place close to Stirling. This is the 16 le version of Stirling Delight Minor.
18 Thursday, 5 February 2015 Wellington Cathedral Western Heights Surprise MinorThe suburb of Auckland where one of the ringers, Mike Stone, lives.
17Saturday, 20 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Double Summer Solstice Treble Place MinorRung close to date of the Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice. Double because the method has rotational symmetry.
16Tuesday, 16 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Gingham Surprise MinorThe 16 le version of Gangnam Surprise Minor. Gingham is a two letter variation of Gangnam.
15Sunday, 14 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Pleasance Surprise MinorThe christian name of Pleasance Purser, Ringing Master at Wellington Cathedral for 25 years.
14Saturday, 6 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Llaregyb Surprise MinorShowing off Derek Williams' cultural heritage by referencing the name of the village in Under Milk Wood.
13Saturday, 6 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Xingu River Surprise MinorWe named this method something other than Xingu River and subsequently received an email from a South Wales band saying they had provisional named it Xingu River. We agreed to respect their provisional naming. Xingu River is a tributary of the Amazon.
12Thursday, 4 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Under Milk Wood Surprise MinorShowing off Derek Williams' cultural heritage by referencing Dylan Thomas's play.
11Tuesday, 2 December 2014 Wellington Cathedral Halesowen Surprise MinorThe English West Midlands town where one of the ringers, David Sluter, lived.
10Sunday, 23 November 2014 Wellington Cathedral Gerald McIlhone Bob Minor A tribute to Gerald McIlhone, to acknowledge and show our appreciation of the immense contribution he has made to ringing, particularly in Wellington. This is an asymmetric method. For suitable compositions see, Michael Foulds, Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods Untangled, The Whiting Society, 2012.
9Sunday, 16 November 2014 Wellington Cathedral Woodridge Bob MinorThe suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Christopher Jarman, lives. This is an asymmetric method. For suitable compositions see, Michael Foulds, Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods Untangled, The Whiting Society, 2012.
8Sunday, 9 November 2014 Wellington Cathedral Thorndon BobThe suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Derek Williams, lives. This is an asymmetric method. For suitable compositions see, Michael Foulds, Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods Untangled, The Whiting Society, 2012.
7Sunday, 9 November 2014 Wellington Cathedral Hataitai BobThe suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Terry Barrett, lived. This is an asymmetric method. For suitable compositions see, Michael Foulds, Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods Untangled, The Whiting Society, 2012.
6Saturday, 25 October 2014 Wellington Cathedral Pinehaven Bob MinorThe suburb of Upper Hutt where one of the ringers, Gerald McIlhone, lives. This is an asymmetric method. For suitable compositions see, Michael Foulds, Asymmetric Plain Minor Methods Untangled, The Whiting Society, 2012.
5Saturday, 25 October 2014 Wellington Cathedral Tawa Bob Minor The suburb of Wellington where one of the ringers, Ruth Lightbourne, lives.
4Monday, 19 May 2014 Wellington Cathedral Old St Paul's Delight MinorThe name of the old Cathedral church in Wellington. Now a Historic Place in the ownership of the New Zealand government.
3Monday, 19 May 2014 Wellington Cathedral Wellington Cathedral Delight MinorThe name of our home tower.
2Monday, 28 April 2014 Wellington Cathedral Castell Y Gwynt Surprise MinorVariously described as a summit, a top and a rock outcrop in Snowdonia, Wales, familiar to Gerald McIlhone. The 14 le version of Glyder Fawr.
1Saturday, 19 April 2014 Wellington Cathedral Glyder Fach Surprise MinorA peak in Snowdonia, Wales, familiar to Gerald McIlhone. The 16 le version of Glyder Fawr.